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Choosing A Backdrop Isn't As Easy As It Seems

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Parenting is nothing if not full of surprises and challenges, but it can be especially surprising just how challenging something a simple as a photo backdrop can be. If you are taking your child for their first professional portrait, then you will likely be given a variety of backdrop options to choose from. While your child is clearly the focus of the picture, the backdrop that you choose will greatly affect the feel of the final photo. A well-chosen backdrop can help to highlight your child's unique personality or to work within an overall theme for your photo shoot. When making your decision, ask yourself these three questions:

Will the Backdrop be Part of a Theme?

Many childhood portraits are built around particular themes. These can range from simple outdoor scenes to whimsical and exciting superhero settings complete with costumes. If you're going for a theme, then your backdrop's role is to support that theme while still allowing your child to stay in focus. If your theme will include a costume or special outfit for your child, then look for thematic backdrops that offer complementary colors without being so similar that your child blends into the background. You can also consider outfit options that will help your child really pop, such as red costume elements when photographing in front of a dark backdrop.

Will Your Photoshoot Include Props?

Props often go hand-in-hand with thematic photoshoots. For childhood portraits, prop usage can range from relatively simple baskets to complex scenes involving multiple pieces of furniture and even tents or carriages. Whether you're going for the simple or for the outlandish, it is vital that your props work well with the backdrop that you choose. Not only should they fit thematically, but it's important that they don't get lost in the background or overwhelm the scene. The props should complement the backdrop without drawing attention away from your child.

Will the Floor Be Visible?

Whether or not the floor will be visible in your photo has a surprisingly large impact on backdrop choice. If choosing a backdrop that's intended to look like an outdoor scene, for example, the overall look of the shot will be ruined if a carpeted studio floor is visible. In some cases, however, floor coverings can be used to help enhance the appearance of a backdrop. Certain types of floors, such as hardwood floors, can work well with a variety of backdrop types as well. In other cases, it makes more sense to keep the portrait shot from the ankles up only or to use furniture such as stools or a couch to keep your child elevated and the floor out of frame.

It can be easy to simply pick a solid color backdrop and move on, but going with a more creative option allows you to create unique memories that you and your child will be able to look back on and enjoy for years to come. Working with your photographer and asking yourself a few simple questions is a great way to decide on a kid photo backdrop that can help you to create a unique and beautiful theme for your child's portraits.
